Best Cover Crops to Plant in Your Garden Over Winter

Winter Garden Projects: Building Paths, Fences, and Raised Beds

A Guide to Winter-Sowing Seeds for Early Spring Growth

How to Build a Winter Wildlife Habitat in Your Garden

6 Plants That Repel Mosquitoes

The warmer temperatures of spring and summer are certainly welcome by most of us. It’s a wonderful time for outdoor adventures, family barbecues, and so much more. It is also unfortunately the point in which certain undesirable guests begin to appear. Yes, we’re talking about mosquitoes. These pests can turn any outdoor gathering into an…

Why Your Garden is Your Saving Grace During the Pandemic

Everybody is trapped in their homes at the moment, and that has understandably led to mass panic. It’s literally like we’re living in a zombie movie right now! People are concerned because they’re worried for their at-risk friends and relatives, but they’re also concerned for themselves: concerned that they’re stuck in the house for weeks…

7 Tips to Keep Cut Flowers Fresh Longer

A bouquet of flowers can make for a lovely gift. This is true for a wide range of occasions, from anniversaries, to birthdays, or even for a wide assortment of major life accomplishments. You can also simply get someone a bouquet of flowers as a nice surprise. There is no question that flowers can make…

10 Plants to Espalier and How to Get Started

If you’ve been thinking about finding a way to be a little more creative with the plants that you grow – especially trees, shrubs, and some of the woody and more hardy vines – the odds are pretty good that you’ve got inspiration from plant designs that have grown right up against flat surfaces (like…

100 Garden Pathway Ideas and Inspiration

A beautiful garden path not only gives you plenty of room to walk throughout the work that your green thumb has made possible, but it also frames your garden and helps you navigate the landscape – creating an experience that just wouldn’t have been possible otherwise. Of course, there are all different kinds of garden…

5 Benefits of Cordless Lawn Mowers

Mowing your backyards and gardens is one of the major time-consuming yet satisfying household chores. However tiresome the task is, there is no feeling like seeing your gardens fresh and beautiful after hours of hard work. The main champion behind keeping your lawns clean and sharp is your lawn mower. They are an essential tool…