Best Cover Crops to Plant in Your Garden Over Winter

Winter Garden Projects: Building Paths, Fences, and Raised Beds

A Guide to Winter-Sowing Seeds for Early Spring Growth

How to Build a Winter Wildlife Habitat in Your Garden

The Top 6 Vertical Farming Companies

Whether you’re into fruits, vegetables, or marijuana, vertical farming can help! This system of growing plants presumes layers upon layers of vertically stacked plants. As such, it is one of the best methods for saving space. If you’re an urban farmer, you should definitely consider something like that as it can significantly improve your efficiency.…

How to Grow and Care for a Loquat Tree

The loquat tree grows very easily but it is very important to know when to plant loquat so that the tree develops as soon as possible. If the tree is not planted on a suitable date we could be slowing its growth and we could even lose part of the harvest because we do not…

How to Grow Tamarind Trees

Tamarind trees are slow growing and can max out at a height of an impressive 25 meters with a circumference of 7 meters. They have incredibly long lives and can live as long as three centuries. The tree is native to Africa but is able to grow all across the world, commonly found in the…

10 Quirky Tips for Decorating Your Backyard Garden

A backyard garden is one of the best places to relax and rejuvenate in a natural space hence why not make it look more interesting by adding a few interesting elements rather than just being an owner of a boring backyard? We have listed below 10 tips to design a quirky garden; Continue Your Home’s…

Creating a Butterfly Friendly Garden

Butterflies are nature’s starling wildlife. It’s not a hard task to make a butterfly-friendly environment in your garden. Butterflies provide beauty and colors everywhere. Making a butterfly-friendly garden will lead you to several benefits. Butterflies play a major role to maintain an absolute combination between environment and eco-system. They bring a beautiful sight that everyone…