Best Cover Crops to Plant in Your Garden Over Winter

Winter Garden Projects: Building Paths, Fences, and Raised Beds

A Guide to Winter-Sowing Seeds for Early Spring Growth

How to Build a Winter Wildlife Habitat in Your Garden

150 Garden and Outdoor Storage Ideas

We are sure that everyone can agree with storage being a huge problem, especially in your garden, with all the gardening tools, cookware, bikes, toys, furniture, and other objects that need to be stored whenever they are not used. However, finding the right garden storage solution might be a long journey for any of us.…

How to Get Rid of Pests Without Turning to Synthetic Pesticides

If you want to commit to a more organic lifestyle, for your own health for the environment, then the best place to start is with organic insecticide. If you only change one thing, moving away from using synthetic and unnatural insecticides will do a lot for your health, and that of the local ecosystem. Why…

How to Get Rid of Tree Stumps

Getting rid of a stump can be frustrating. This is particularly true for those interested in going it alone with DIY tree stump removal. However, it is by no means impossible. If you’ve hired someone to cut down a tree on your property, they will probably be willing to also take care of that stump…

5 Ways to Kill Weeds Naturally

To be sure, no one wants to find weeds in their garden. It is the kind of problem that should be dealt with as quickly as possible. Thankfully, there are tons of different ways to kill weeds that are available to you. What matters is understanding that you do not necessarily need to go out…

4 Great Homemade Natural Pest Control Recipes

Effectively controlling pests and insects in your garden is an almost full-time job, something that you are going to have to be hypervigilant about if you want your garden to really thrive. At the same time, more and more people are learning about and fully understanding the risks and dangers that traditional pesticides and pest…