Best Cover Crops to Plant in Your Garden Over Winter

Winter Garden Projects: Building Paths, Fences, and Raised Beds

A Guide to Winter-Sowing Seeds for Early Spring Growth

How to Build a Winter Wildlife Habitat in Your Garden

Grow Rooms and Their Benefits

A grow room consists of a specially designed area complete with all or required facilities to harvest plants and shrubs under controlled and supervised conditions. Growing area may use artificial lights, sunlight or a combination of both for the plants and it is not dependent on just natural light to get the desired results. In…

Pitfalls of Solar Garden Lights

The technology behind solar garden lights varies quite a bit depending upon the manufacturer and how well the lights are made. Less expensive lights tend to be less reliable, and some people find that they stop working after a few weeks or months. This is a very common complaint, and some people believe that solar…

8 Great Tips For Dog-proofing Your Garden

Your garden is one part of your home where your dog can really make it their own place.  While it can be satisfying to watch your dog, whether it is a cockapoo (read more about cockapoos here), Labrador or other breed, in their element in the great outdoors of your garden; it is less than…

5 Easy to Grow Plants for Fresher Air

As our teachers told us in school, houseplants play an important role in freshening air in our home. Humans and animals breathe in oxygen and let out carbon dioxide; plants absorb it and process it back into the oxygen. Another benefit of having houseplants is it can clean toxins in the air and make your…

Lawn Fertilizing 101: How to Grow a Great Lawn

We all know what a healthy lawn looks like; it is beautifully green, shiny and luxuriant in spite of lawn mowing and the usual activity it endures on a daily basis. This look requires quite a bit of work and time investment because you’ll have to provide all of the nutrients and minerals that your…

How to Build a Wooden Trellis for Your Garden

A trellis can be a great addition to your garden. They are used to give support to climbing plants, vegetables and flowers, and can be a very attractive feature. Sweet peas love to climb, and look wonderful – a mass of flowers, rainbow bright – trailing on a trellis. Tomatoes, vines, and many plants can…