Best Cover Crops to Plant in Your Garden Over Winter

Winter Garden Projects: Building Paths, Fences, and Raised Beds

A Guide to Winter-Sowing Seeds for Early Spring Growth

How to Build a Winter Wildlife Habitat in Your Garden

3 Eco-Friendly Home Gardening Tools

One of the best parts about having your own home garden is that you can operate it in an environmentally friendly way. That means you can skip using all of the toxic chemicals a large factory farming operation uses. But, you can also go one step further and make your garden eco-friendly from top to…

How to Create Humidity in a Grow Room or Grow Tent

Air conditioning, light, and humidity are the three basic needs of plants in a grow room. They will make your plants to grow with high potency and sticky sprout. Among the three important things above, many people often overlook humidity. But it is very important that you control the humidity. This will help you understand…

5 Plants That Will Help You Sleep Better

A significant amount of the time we have in this life is spent sleeping. Interestingly, difficulties with sleep are not an uncommon thing and the symptoms of this range from mild to severe issues such as erratic mood swings, irritability, and sleeplessness (insomnia), hallucinations, as well as sleepiness during wake-hours. Treatment can be intensive depending…

15 Simple Gardening Hacks You Probably Didn’t Know About

When the weather starts to get warmer, people start thinking about what flowers, vegetables, herbs, and many other nice staff to plant. Nobody wants to see their gardens looking empty when they have great things they have put in. But how can you make sure you are getting the best out of your small garden.…

A Guide to Purchasing Garden Furniture

It is important to think about your garden furniture purchase carefully; when you buy the right items, you can expect to enjoy them for many years to come. You may have visions of all the great parties you want to throw in your garden, but before you get ahead of yourself, you need to think…